Collision theory
Collision theory of chemical reaction :
According to this theory, reactants are assumed to be hard spheres, which must collide with one-another. The no. of collision per second per unit volume of the reaction mixture is known as collision frequency (Z).
According to this theory, all the collision do not result in the product formation. The collision of reactants which results in the product formation are called as effective collision.
The following two conditions must be satisfied for effective collision ---
1) Energy factor : The colliding particles must have energy greater than or equal to threshold energy. If they do not have such energy, they take this energy externally in the form of heat, light, electric current etc. which is called as activation energy.
2) Orientation factor or Probability factor or Steric factor :
According to this factor, colliding particles must be properly oriented, with respect to each other, otherwise reactants bounced back and no product will form.